Meet Mark Frietch, a seasoned mixology enthusiast, dedicated to elevating the skills of home mixologists. Born in Cincinnati, OH, and raised in various corners of the United States due to his father's military service, Mark's diverse experiences have enriched his understanding of regional flavors and mixology traditions.

Mark's educational journey led him to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he earned his degree in Political Science, along with a minor in Organizational Communications. However, after nearly two decades in the corporate world, specializing in talent attraction, Mark decided to pursue his true passion for crafting cocktails.

Today, you can find Mark behind the bar at a renowned craft cocktail establishment, where he passionately channels his creativity and flair for mixing masterpieces to delight guests. Beyond his bartending expertise, Mark's true calling lies in assisting home mixologists in honing their craft, sharing valuable tips and techniques to enhance their bartending skills.

When he's not helping others create unforgettable cocktails, Mark enjoys experimenting with flavors in the kitchen and savoring the great outdoors. Residing in Charlotte, NC, with his trusty companion, Harvey, a Hurricane Irma-rescued sidekick, Mark is dedicated to empowering aspiring mixologists to unlock their full bartending potential.